Ethanol fireplaces are one of the newest types of fireplace to the market, and use liquid bioethanol as a source of fuel. The flame burns with a blue hint, making ethanol fireplaces most suited to homes with a contemporary design.

Ethanol fireplaces generally have a refillable bioethanol burner.

Much like electric fireplaces, ethanol fireplaces can be turned on or off in an instant, and can be mounted in many locations across your house with ease.

Furthermore, ethanol fireplaces don’t require venting and so can be placed on any internal wall of your house, meaning that all of the heat produced will stay within your home.

However, ethanol fireplaces generally produce less heat that gas or wood-burning fireplaces, and so are usually used more for their decorative purposes rather than their home-heating capabilities.

  • Doesn’t require venting
  • Modern-looking
  • No ashes or smoke
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Lower heat output that other types of fireplace
  • Liquid bioethanol is highly flammable
  • Requires refilling when fuel source is depleted